Over its life, a Bearhug reusable pallet wrap saves 350 kg of plastic waste from entering landfill.

(That’s equivalent to nearly 30,000 plastic water bottles)

In cases where your pallet wrap is recycled, it will only get one additional use as a low value material.

Chart showing how Bearhug reusable pallet wraps compare to plastic alternatives in terms of water usage, green house gas emissions and fossil fuel usage.

These results are from 1000 uses of each alternative, and factor in a 50km return journey each time a reusable wrap is used.

After 8 re-uses, you'll save on plastic. After 19 re-uses, you'll lower your GHG emissions. Our repair system extends those benefits even further.

The pallet wrap problem.

There are 5 billion pallets in the world. Each time one is moved, 350 grams of single-use plastic goes along with it.

Enough pallet wrap is produced to go around the Earth 16,500 times a year. This accounts for 1.5% of global plastic waste.

Bearhug's mission is to elevate reusable pallet wraps from being a no-brainer for internal use, to a solution that can reliably move through any supply chain.

Plastic pallet wrap contributes to 1.5% of global plastic waste.